
Why Do a Developmental Screening?

Screenings ask specific questions about what your child can do. They give you a detailed look at your child’s development. Screenings are a great way to identify your child’s strengths. They can also highlight any areas where your child may need more practice or support.


  • Screening is a fun way to get to know your child
  • Screening results can help you talk to your doctor or other professionals about any concerns with your child
  • Online screenings are FREE for parents in San Mateo County, thanks to funding from First 5 San Mateo County.

Your Child’s Voice: Your Family
and Help Me Grow

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Your Peace of Mind: Early Childhood Development and Help Me Grow

Video captions: Spanish | ArabicPortuguese | Chinese  | English

4 Ways to Get a Developmental Screening for Your Child


Click here to contact us for a phone screening or if you have any questions about your child’s development.


Ask your pediatrician to give your child a developmental screening.


Ask your childcare provider or preschool if they offer developmental screenings.

How to Complete an Online Screening

Please complete both questionnaires, the General Development screening and the Social-Emotional Development screening. Together, they give you a full snapshot of your child’s motor, cognitive, language, and social-emotional skills. There is a relationship between a child’s behavior and development. The two Ages and Stages Questionnaires can help parents better understand this connection. To start each screening, click on the buttons below. For more information on screening tools, please see our FAQ.  

Making Meaning from a Screening

After you complete the screening, you may have questions. One in six children have developmental concerns that would benefit from follow up. Research has shown that the sooner developmental services begin, the better the outcome. There are many services that can support a child’s development, including speech therapy, physical therapy, and developmentally appropriate social activities.

Talking with their health care provider about your concerns can help you determine the best next steps. Your child’s daycare or preschool can also be a partner in supporting your child’s development.

At any time in the process, Help Me Grow is here to walk you through the screening results and to answer your questions.

“Social-emotional development is foundational—in order to be successful learners children need to get along well with others and they also need to feel good about themselves and excited about the world around them.”

Jantina Clifford, University of Oregon Early Intervention Program and co-developer of ASQ-3
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